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How to talk with an Advisor

If you’d like to talk with an experienced financial advisor, please complete the form on this page and we will be in touch with you soon. We are able to arrange consultations face to face, over the phone or through Skype depending on where you are based. Our advisors do travel within the countries we have offices as well as to other countries in Asia.

Benefit to you 

We are able to assist you in every step of the financial planning process, starting with a personal financial review. This allows the advisor to get a better understanding of your where you are today financially, where you want to be in the future, and what we need to do to get you there.

Free Consultation

If you haven’t spoken with a financial advisor before or would like to just get a second opinion on your current investments contact us today for a free initial consultation and review.


Tokyo Headquarters



  • Argentum Wealth Korea

    Executive Centre Level 21
    Seoul Finance Center
    136 Sejong-daero Jung-gu
    Seoul 100-768 Korea

  • +82 (0)2 3782 4556
  • +82 (0)2 3782 4555



  • Platinum Financial Services Ltd

    15 Floor Skyway Centre,
    23 Queen’s Road West,
    Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
