Mutual Fund and ETF Investments

Access the best investment & mutual funds

Access to Markets

Whether you are someone who is just starting and wants your investments professionally managed, or you don’t have the time to monitor and manage your investments daily, investment funds can be a very effective tool to grow your wealth. Investing together with many people into a fund gives you easy access to the global financial markets and institutional investing that you wouldn’t be able to do yourself.

What is a fund

Generally referred to as mutual funds in the US and Canada, in Europe or internationally they are more commonly called unit trusts. They are professionally managed, regulated, collective investment vehicles that pool money from many investors to invest in the financial markets. In a nutshell, when you invest in a fund, you hold units of that fund and when the fund’s assets increase or decrease in value, so does the unit price you own.

Funds are often categorized as money market funds, bond or fixed-income funds, stock or equity funds, property or absolute return funds. They can be actively-managed funds with a professional fund manager and a management team making decisions daily about the fund’s holdings, or passively managed funds such as index funds and ETFs, where they track a financial index like the S&P500.

Fund Managers

We can help you access the best investment funds and the top managers who run them, such as Fidelity, Vanguard, JPMorgan, Schroder, HSBC, BlackRock, and more. Our solutions can give you access to top-flight fund companies and managers, all of whom have a track record of successfully managing assets for clients.

Portfolio Management

Argentum’s Portfolio Management Service consists of an experienced team of portfolio managers who continually track global market trends, fund performance, and find better alternatives or new investment opportunities for you. We can help you build a diversified portfolio covering a wide range of geographical regions and asset classes such as equities, bonds, property, hedge funds, commodities, currencies, emerging markets, and more. A fund portfolio will spread your risk and optimize your earnings through a diversified and actively managed exposure to the world’s financial markets. This service is available to all clients, see Portfolio Management for more details.

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Frequently Asked Questions

With regular investment strategies, it is always a good time to invest because with regular investing the idea is to take timing the markets out of the equation. The question is not whether it is a good time to invest, but are you actively investing.

With regular investing the objective is to use the volatility in the markets to your advantage and take out the need to time the markets. As the market falls in value one month you are purchasing more for the same amount, as the markets rise in value you purchase less. Over time you’ll average out the markets, and reduce the overall risk in your investment.

For clients who would rather have their investments and portfolios managed for them we are able to take care of everything for you from A to Z. Based on your risk profile and targeted annual growth we will recommend a portfolio to you. We will then continue to monitor, manage and make up-to-date recommendations to you via email or phone. Once you have confirmed any changes we are then able to make all necessary changes for you.

We work with a wide range of international Fortune 500 companies, each with solutions to suit your budget. We have solutions you can use to invest as little or as much as you’d like.

The majority of the account solutions we recommend to clients are based internationally allowing for tax benefits, portability, protection, security and confidentiality.